One of the favourite questions we as power women ask ourselves is: "How do I make the best out of myself?". The answer is not set in stone. In fact, in our amazing journey, we come up with new insights every day that shape the answer continuously. In this way, it always remains an ongoing project, which actually makes it fun. Only then do we keep the drive to keep discovering and blooming.
Since each of us walks her own unique path, there is no one-size-fits-all success formula for getting the best out of ourselves. However, there is often overlap in the things each of us does to achieve this, both professionally and personally.
Do not let negative thoughts drag you down
Negative thoughts can be triggered by everything around us, such as unforeseen events and situations. Or how about everything we read, see or has been told about us? Become the master of these thoughts. The first step is to acknowledge them and find out what kind of feelings they provoke in you. Then it is time to turn them into something positive. Derive a lesson and a moral from it that will make you a stronger and wiser power woman.
Dare to lean on other people
It is a woman thing that we do not tend to ask help from others easily. This is because seeking help is often associated with weakness. In fact, we power women must realise that the contrary is true: the courage to ask for help shows strength. Together we are stronger and we can achieve more. So build a support network of friends, family and like-minded people on whom you can always rely. Just an extra bit of support, a listening ear, a little more inspiration or additional guidance in the form of coaching.. These can work wonders. Take, for example, the Cabau mental coach. She helps us to shape our thinking patterns and thoughts so that we can develop into the person we want to be.
Embrace your inner Sleeping Beauty
We as power women are born to be Sleeping Beauties. However, due to the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life and the resulting fear and concerns, we are not always able to get the best possible sleep. To boost our sleep quality, we can take on several things. Drink, for example, a glass of Sleep Well before bed and you are off to dreamland within seconds. A well-rested you sets the tone for the whole day and ensures that you can conquer the day again full of energy.
Keep moving
Every power woman knows that exercising is good for our health. Yet many of us do not do it often enough. Irrespective of how busy we are, 15 minutes a day is not too much to ask, right? In our Cabau app, you find many short and simple workouts that you can do together with Yolanthe. Remember that in the end, it is ourselves that reap the benefits of it: better focus, higher perseverance and more inspiration. These all contribute to our goal of getting the best out of ourselves.
Visualise your goals and write them down
Have it clear for yourself what you want to achieve. In this way, you can work towards it in a focused manner and give yourself more guidance on how to become the best version of yourself. Make it more manageable and concrete by writing down every morning in your Bloombook the three most important things you want to do that day. If you want, you can even draw them. It will give you more focus and help you to prioritise so that by the end of the day, you have actually gotten closer to your overarching goal.
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