I eat healthy, I exercise regularly and yet, what is happening to the skin on my buttocks and thighs?! Stripes, dimples, bubbles.. Do you recognize yourself in this? I bet, because 98% of women experience some form of cellulite. If so many women suffer from this, there has to be some sort of treatment for it right?
In this blog:
- What is cellulite and what is not
- 98% of women experience some form of cellulite
- The difference between mandarin skin, orange skin and cottage cheese skin
- Underlying causes of cellulite
- How to treat cellulite at home
What is cellulite
First things first, cellulite and cellulitis are not the same. Cellulitis is an uncommon painful skin infection, causing redness and inflammation, while cellulite is a common, harmless skin condition that causes skin to look and feel like orange peel. Women often suffer more from visible cellulite than men. In fact, 98 percent of women have orange peel skin somewhere on their body. Although cellulite is very normal, due to Instagram filters & co we do not realize that almost all women on earth have dimpled skin. Hence, it’s become a taboo. At Cabau Lifestyle we love to break taboos.
Pulling the strings
It is often thought that obesity causes cellulite but that is not exactly true as a well-trained athlete can have a bumpy butt too. So, what is the story? We have studied different studies and found that our skin consists of several layers including connective tissue and fat layers. When connective tissue strands (kind of strings) pull the skin tighter over the fat layer, pits and fat bumps are created. The more bodyfat you have, the more likely that bumps will appear. But there’s more to it.
Three types of cellulite
Cellulite often appears around the buttocks, thighs, lower abdomen and sometimes on the lower back area, breasts, and upper arms/shoulders. Well, those areas happen to be exactly where female fat is mostly stored – and by ‘fat’ we refer to purely natural, healthy, beautiful, and functional fat. More will follow about the different causes of cellulite, but first a quick word about the types of cellulite. Note: these types are based on women's experiences, not on scientific research.
Tangerine peel skin
While standing, your skin is soft like a peach, but when you squeeze the skin or sit down, small dimples appear on your thighs and when you lie on your stomach, pits in your buttocks become visible.
Orange peel skin
While standing, the skin around your problem areas is dimpled, for example on your legs, buttocks, and lower abdomen. When you sit down, lie down, or flex your butt, dimples become deeper and more visible.
Cottage cheese skin
The skin of your legs, buttocks, abdomen, breasts, or upper arms has dimples and bumps while standing and while you are sitting or lying down. This form of cellulite can also be accompanied by stretch marks.
What causes cellulite?
Although many studies have been done on cellulite, it is still unclear what causes women to develop orange peel skin. Most studies point to a ‘multifactorial’ cause which means that multiple factors could cause cellulite.
Genetic predisposition: it’s possible to inherit certain forms of cellulite from your grandmother or mother.
Hormones: cellulite can become more visible due to hormonal changes (birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause, etc.)
Weight: overweight, and too much bodyfat in particular, increases the visibility of cellulite
Lifestyle: smoking, coffee/alcohol consumption and fatty foods increase the risk of cellulite
Age: reduced collagen production results in thinner and less elastic skin
Can I get rid of cellulite?
Sorry ladies! Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or wonder cream. Cellulite cannot completely disappear. BUT, and here comes the good news for our butts: there are several ways to reduce the visibility of cellulite. Below we list various non-medical (no laser treatments) and non-surgical (no knives and no injections) options. Keep in mind that it needs time and consistency. It's a lifestyle baby!
Healthy diet
Reduce the intake of sugar, salt, and fat. Sugars and fats cause bodyfat to accumulate, resulting in more bumps and dimples on your skin. Salt causes your body to retain more moisture, increasing the visibility of orange peel skin. Okay, so what can you eat to reduce cellulite? More vegetables, more fruits, more whole grains, and more legumes. More fibre, more vitamins (especially C) and more antioxidants! Maintaining a healthy diet is by far the best at home cellulite treatment: natural, easy, and relatively inexpensive. Visit the inspiration section on our website or download our app for healthy and jummy recipes.
Target workouts
As exercise contributes to fat loss and muscle growth, its also helps reducing cellulite. So, take the stairs instead of the elevator, take the bike instead of the car and do daily workouts. Well, we can help you with the latter. Download the Cabau App for all our workouts, programs, classes and meditations. You can choose between 10, 20 or 30-minute programs and free or premium workouts.
Anti-cellulite massage
A good old massage is the perfect DIY cellulite treatment. Massaging problem areas can enhance an equal distribution of subcutaneous fat, improve firmer connective tissue and better blood circulation. Furthermore, the epidermis also become more flexible during a massage, causing cellulite to be temporarily less visible. The effect of a massage depends on frequency, but also on your skin structure. There are various tips and tricks to increase the effect of massaging and reduce cellulite.
Massage tools: use a knobber, roller or stiff massage brush to make massaging less exhausted for your (or someone else's) hands.
Massage oil: use anti-cellulite oil, especially those oils with vitamin A acids or caffeine, to increase the effect of anti-cellulite massaging.
Cellulite cream: creams with ingredients such as B5 provitamin and carnitine potentially reduce or even counteract subcutaneous fat deposits.
Cellulite cupping
To undergo anti-cellulite cupping treatments with light, heat, or needles, you’ll have to go see a specialist. Dry cellulite cupping on the other hand is how you treat cellulite at home! This DIY cellulite treatment does require some gear: vacuum cups. Some women are slightly sceptical towards the cup-your-cellulite-away thing. Does it really work? Recent research has shown how dry cupping reduces cellulite by promoting lymph drainage and microcirculation. Cupping increases lymphatic drainage. Special cupping oil can enhance the effect of cellulite cupping treatments at home.
Collagen supplements
Since the visibility of your cellulite can change as a result of developments in your hormonal system, hormonal treatments are sometimes prescribed to reduce cellulite. However, at Cabau Lifestyle we prefer to stay a little closer to nature. In 2015, researchers (Journal of Medicinal Food) discovered that supplements containing collagen peptides can reduce cellulite. Moreover, collagen has a positive impact on your hair, nails, and skin.
Celluleave my skin without dimples
Let’s return to the first question posed: why do I have cellulite? Well, because only 2 in 100 women do not have it. That’s very few women. And yet… even though orange peel skin is so common, we still prefer a soft, tight, glooming peachy skin. If you want to reduce cellulite, find out which (combination) of the above DIY treatments works best for you and your body. To make it easier for you to try at home cellulite treatments we’ve bundled some of our cellulite-solutions in our Anti-Cellulite Box. Oops, we have to confess... Even though cupping is completely safe, it can hurt a little. But hey, who said beauty comes without the pain?
Whatever you decide to do, whether that might be following one of our tips, having a cellulite treatment or cupping at home, we think you are beautiful with or without cellulite. Let’s stop allowing ourselves to be guided by taboos or public opinions and let’s start celebrating ourselves instead.
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