We are power women by definition. We are born to shine. Even though we know we have superpowers as power women, we do occasionally have moments of doubt or situations in which we seem to lose control. Our self-confidence will be affected in such cases and can even drop to zero. Luckily, we have a number of tips and tricks to boost our confidence.
Tip 1: Fake it until you make it
Always remember in the back of your mind that you are not the only one who needs a confidence boost from time to time. Ask yourself what competencies and skills you need to reach the desired state you want to be in. Imagine that you already possess the required skills and capabilities. How would you then act or behave? Try to own this while you work towards it in the meantime. Before you know it, you’ll arrive at your desired destination.
Tip 2: Live by one mantra
Breathe in and out ten times and play this phrase in your head over and over again until you truly believe it: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." We at Cabau Lifestyle are true believers of this. So do not be afraid, have faith in yourself and keep going. Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen. The sky will not fall down if things do not turn out to be exactly as you hoped or expected.
Tip 3: Structurally improve your self-confidence
When you have built a solid layer of self-confidence, it will be less easily affected. Start to work on it today to benefit from it in the long run. That is why we truly believe in and act upon the power of empowerment: the power to take the power in your hand. We stimulate this by walking the amazing journey together with you, in which a healthy and happy lifestyle is key. Eat healthy, exercise enough and take care of your mental well-being. This way, you bring harmony between your mind and body: the ideal state to let your self-confidence and yourself bloom.
Tip 4: Embrace your imperfections
Nobody is perfect and believe us... you don't want to be that! It is the way you deal with your imperfections to get the best out of your life that makes you successful and inspires others. So do not let your imperfections stop you from believing in yourself. Instead, use them to your advantage. You are enough and you do not need more to shine daily.
Tip 5: Just do it
Although we know that the little voice in our head wants to protect us, it often brings unnecessary fear in us that considerably takes our confidence down. Next time, keep a cool head and reassure your inner voice that it all will be okay and just go for it. By simply doing it, you break the ice. You will always find out afterwards that it turned out well and there was no need to worry at all.
With the above five tips, having confidence will become natural to you and you can bloom unrestrictedly. You got this, ladies!
Esther on Jun 12, 2022
Verbaasd verrast en waanzinnig . Top app ! Mooi en persoonlijk . Heerlijk om te lezen veel nieuwe adviesen mooie ideeen . Blij mee bedankt . Xx
Anoniem on Mar 14, 2022
Wat een heerlijke positieve Vibe op de site. Ik heb geen goed zelf beeld. Dit lezen voelt fijn. Je hoeft niet perfect te zijn hou van jezelf zoals je bent💕. Ik hou van de app en de oefeningen ze helpen me en soms heb ik zelfs nog energie voor een dansje erna. Maar dan daarna nog een heerlijke les.